“Sijin,” a captivating manhua that combines action, adventure, and romance. In this exciting story, a noble girl finds herself transported back in time to when she was just 15 years old. Faced with past mistakes and the injustices she has suffered, she embarks on a journey of revenge against tho...
Reading Manhwa The Price Is Your Everything at Manhwa Website After being used by her stepbrother and the Empress, and abused by her adopted family and husband, Neris was poisoned. She dies cursing all who have tormented and used her. Only to be transported back to the age of twelve, when all her ...
Reading Manhwa They Live in the Princess’ Flower Garden at Manhwa Website In this new life Ibelia just wanted to be loved but she was born with the talent of a master of spirits, thanks to the seal of the king of spirits. She receives unconditional love from her parents and siblings, and is const...
Reading Manhua Release That Witch at Manhua Website. Reading Release That Witch Novel A male engineer transmigrated into another world, and became a prince. This place strikingly resembles the Middle Ages of Europe, but at the same time, it seems kind of different? Witches truly exists, and they e...
Reading Manhua King of Apocalypse at Manhua Website. Qin Yu was killed a few hundred years into the future during the apocalypse due to a misjudgment. He then traveled back in time before the apocalypse kick off, relying on his battle hardened apocalypse experience and techniques, Qin Yu rapidly de...
Reading Manhua It Starts with a kingpin account at Manhua Website. The sudden crisis brought the earth directly into the OL era, and all mankind was reduced to the palm of unknown forces. Everyone became a first-class trumpet. In the cruel era of the weak and the strong, the high school student Ye ...
Reading Manhwa Inso’s Law at Manhwa Website. Reading Inso’s Law Novel “I just want to live a normal life, why is this happening to me!” Your average student Ham Dan, whose hobby was reading “Law of Insomnia” wakes up to a beautiful novel like heroine. But even in the world of fantasy ...
Reading Manhua The Drifting Star at Manhua Website After an awkward encounter on her vacation, Wei Lan swapped bodies with a boy named Bai Yuan! Is this heaven’s plan, or a trick of fate? Their strings of destiny follow the drifting star in the water. 水中飘零之星 MANHWATOP is a website d...
Reading Manhwa Seoul Station Druid at Manhwa Website. Park Sooho returned to Earth after disappearing to another world for a thousand years. During that time, Earth had changed into a world of the survival of the fittest thanks to the appearance of monsters. Druid, the king of the animals, who had ...