The sequel to Konjiki no Gash!!, aka Zatch Bell. Once the battle to decide the King of the demon world, in which 100 demon children fought against each other, had come to an end… the King of the demon world was crowned, and the demon world lived out the rest of its days in peace. Or at least, that...
The story centers around the card game Duel Masters, which revolves around five civilizations consisting of Fire, Water, Light, Darkness and Nature. The original storyline follows Shobu Kirifuda, a young boy who likes to play Duel Masters. He and a few duelists are known to bring the monsters on the...
Ha Miro', a clumsy yet loveable rookie magazine editor, meets mosquito man Mo Ginam', who can become a normal' person(when together) when blood' is cha'.Ha Miro', the rookie editor for a third-rate fashion magazine company receives an e-mail from rookie model Lee Jihyeon's manager. With an excited h...
Reading Manga I’m Dating a Dark Summoner! at Manga Website Amona, a dark summoner and demi-human who uses demonic powers, is the newest addition to the party of the uptight cleric Roni. Everyone expected the two to dislike each other and to have nothing to do with each other. But to their surpris...
It has been half a year since Aini Mikkola, the saintess in training who who hails from a barony in the countryside, arrived at the Royal Academy. The school is in turmoil. The boys, the sons of aristocrats, are at the mercy of Aini's innocent, natural cuteness, while the girls are angry at her disr...
Work, sleep, work, sleep... what a dull existence Why even live?! No hopes, no dreams Everything’s predictable... Suicide is salvation But when you wake up in purgatory... ...and it's the same world you left? One option left Let's turn this fuckin' world upside down The story of "Evol" begins in a...
After a god screws up and accidentally takes high schooler Shou's life, he offers him reincarnation with a gift to make up for it. Shou asks to retain all his old memories for the new life. Shou is reborn as Will, a noble's son in a world where magic use is common and involves knowledge of kanji cha...
Read I had a hard time in my previous life, so God came to make it up to me The story centers on a woman who endured a difficult life. She was struck by lightning and killed as she was returning home after working overtime. Then, by God, she was offered reincarnation into a different world in exchan...
Masatsugu was brought from another world in a hero summoning and ended up being part of the lowest possible caste. Awaiting this boy, who possess nothing but elementary skills, is managing an orphanage full of beautiful girls! But, his annoying days are just starting as he finds the building in ruin...
Takumi was banished from the party and lived alone in the mountains. Leia, who claims to be a disciple of Alice, a girl who once protected and cared for him, came to him.. She has become a disciple of Takumi, who is rumored to be the strongest in the universe.. Since then, a dragon, a great sage, an...
This book will never abuse the protagonist, the system is just a tool. Travel through the fantasy world! Become the master of the empress before she turned evil. The little apprentice who was abused in every way suddenly found that her master became gentle and powerful, and became more and more hard...
She just wants to start fresh so she can graduate in peace. She just wants to leave behind all the bad memories - her sleepwalking, the trauma from being bullied at school - all of it. She did everything she could to keep to herself, but the class president, Hae-on, just won't leave her alone. One d...
A boy named Ruisha is trapped in a distorted space created by the ancient hero. What he finds there is the Demon King and the Dragon King, who should have been defeated by the hero 300 years ago. Ruisha befriends the Demon King and the Dragon King, and is trained by them, going from a weak child to ...
Within the hero's party is the world's strongest porterand together, they've finally defeated the demon lord. Now that the party's penultimate goal met, the porter, Liddie, decides to follow his dream of becoming an adventurer! While his battle-related skills are close to none, he's blissfully unawa...
Solo adventurer and hero Leon was a master of all trades: sword-fighting, magic, healing, you name it. When he single-handedly defeated the Demon King, a curse was placed upon the lone hero. Without a party to save him, they both met their tragic ends.Years later, a timid noble boy is attacked by an...
Little had I known, I Chen Hansheng; the former elite of society and a Diamond Bachelor, was reborn. When I woke up, I was a senior graduate in high school? Later, Chen Hansheng was walking near the crosswalk, he seemed hesitant. A precious girl; Shen Youchu and two other girls; Bai Yueguang and Xia...