In a world where magic and might clash, Isoc dreams of becoming a wizard despite his muscular build. Raised by Father Kay, a priest who insists he become a fighter, Isoc faces constant pressure to follow a path he doesn't desire. Desperate to pursue his magical aspirations, Isoc ventures into the tr...
In modern Japan, a mysterious gate leading to another world suddenly appeared, unleashing monstrous beings called demons that spread chaos. The only ones capable of standing against them were heroes wielding skills and magic. However, the protagonist, Kengo Kuromiya, a man with no abilities, possess...
Our protagonist has reincarnated as Han Siha, a minor villain in the dark fantasy novel he once loved. To live a peaceful life without getting tangled up with the protagonists, graduating from the academy is a must. But for Han Siha, who has no magical talent and terrible social skills, this is an a...
Reading Manhwa I Think It Would Be Better For Me to Become King at Manhwa Website I accidentally got the game I wanted so much. The moment I pressed the last option while enjoying my one-pick Cedric route, [I dare put to death Queen Astarote, who pretended to be the blood of the previous kings!] ...
Read Daxia Swordsman, atDescription:Chen Yuan, a loser college student, licked the goddess Lin Shutong wildly for three years but was kicked by her. In grief, he accidentally activated the dog-licking gold system. It has 90 billion dog-licking gold in its memory. It can only be used to lick women. T...
Sal Cooper, the most loyal and efficient shadow of the family, was sent out as a sacrificial pawn by the newly appointed head of the Cooper family during the major distribution meetings after representing the family in victorious battles. He became the object of abuse by the former subordinates who ...
Reading Manhua It Starts With A Mountain at Manhua Website. It starts with a mountain. A strategic leader gets isekai-ed into a war dynasty. He only has a group of members who were planning to ditch him. Facing this war era, he thinks of stealing food and girls to live a king’s life. He is hot-bl...
"Everything looks the same in this ashen world. Flowers, birds, rainbows, myself. I wonder what 'color' we are. If I meet a witch, will I be able to see 'colors' too?" This story takes place in a world that has lost its "color". Only "witches" can see them. One day, Luma, a boy who longs for a vibra...