Chloe has just finished a five-year contract marriage, despite being abused by a hostile marquess family. Unable to decide what to do with her life after the divorce, she finds herself living with her former fiancé and childhood friend Theodore, her first love! He has become a frontier count, but h...
Regnard defies expectations by enrolling in the esteemed Royal Academy of Lasarzia despite being a dropout. However, during the Blessing Ceremony, he receives a peculiar skill called "Blessing of Sleeping Together," leading to ridicule from classmates. Despite the mockery, Regnard discovers the true...
Woo Jae was raised by his mother who was obsessed with shamanism. The day Woojae got tired of her mother's obssession, he refused to pray for the first time. His mother, on the other hand, died that day on a car accident. Suffering from guilt, Woo Jae began to suffer from a strange symptoms of seein...
In the shadows of the world-renowned heroic story, Sesame, an adorable and derpy fox spirit, who hoped to serve under a powerful and benevolent lord, instead encounters a chatterbox monk. On his journey to hunt for a job, Sesame meets an Auntie with a Dongbei accent, Old-man Huang who has had a movi...
After killing the male lead, the originally innocent girl transformed into a demoness. Just as she was about to enjoy her newfound freedom, she died a violent death and returned to the start of the game. Having carried with her all the skills she acquired in her previous playthrough, she was prepare...
After finally escaping her unhappy marriage, Lorella is ready to enjoy a single life. Marriage certificate burned? Check. A gentle, handsome knight willing to help her in any way? Check. Everything seems to be going smoothly until a message suddenly appears before her eyes. “Dear Lorella Mayred, c...
The battle between the Demon King and the Hero will decide the fate of the world. Verna, the son of a nobleman, who remembered that he was reincarnated in the world of an RPG game, He was originally a mob who died without a name. The reason is probably the attack on the royal capital by the Demon Ki...
A 34-years-old NEET otaku is chased out from his house by his family. Unattractive and penniless, he finds that he has reached a dead end in life and realizes that his life actually could have been much better if he had made better choices in the past. Just when he was at the point of regret, he saw...
Reading Manhwa Kang-Ho at Manhwa Website Mooyoung, a snobbish dreamer who wants to fight! But what are your wishes? ‘Be a partner!’ Kang Ho, 강호표사, 無影~最強の鏢師~, Kang-Ho MANHWATOP is a website dedicated to fans of anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, video games, and cosplay. W...