The story unfolds based on the plot and chronicle of the DNF world view. This is Arad, a planet tormented by war and mutations. Countless journeys have started since then, leaving behind unforgettable stories in the past, present and future. The fates that are independent of each other but tied to e...
Claire Martino has a fairy-tale life anyone would envy, with a noble upbringing, a crown prince for a fiancé, and a promising future ahead of her as Noston’s most powerful mage. That is, until everything crashes down around her when all of the family magical talent goes to her half sister, Charlo...
"A mishmash of steel and metal and an explosion of flesh! Let's celebrate the birth of Millennium Darling!" 1980s: The Town of Senni Dani. After a mysterious and violent incident, Ippei Tsukanoma awakens in the laboratory of Giniro Karisome. Ippei is informed he has been transformed into Millennium ...
The winner of the 33rd Fantasia Award, a cyberpunk fantasy, has been adapted into a manga with stunning artwork! In the year 2099 of the Integrated Calendar, in the city of Shinjuku, a city that has reached the ultimate pinnacle of development, the legendary Demon Lord Veltol returns. Amidst the spl...
The youngest girl ever to become a court alchemist, Seyi, was busy with hard work every day. One day, the royal city was suddenly attacked by a horde of monsters, she woke up 500 years later. The city had already been destroyed, and Seyi, freed from her hard work, was determined to travel through a ...
In a forest, there lived several demons, and one ugly monster named Kavo. He lived his days in loneliness until one day he saw a middle-aged man being assaulted by three other men. Kavo tears down the attackers, saving the man, Liam. Liam is the first human to not scream and run away at the sight of...