One day, Doppo, the high school protagonist, suddenly heard a voice from his phone saying "The game has begun" and that the "chosen challengers" have been taken to another world. If they complete their mission, they can return to their original world. However, this new world is filled with terrifyin...
is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The storyline follows a high school student who falls upon a supernatural laptop from a shinigami named Ryuk that allows its user the power to kill anyone whose name and face he understands, Light Yagami. The series...
Reading Manga After Being Reborn, I Became the Strongest to Save Everyone at Manga Website. Eric has had a hard life. At the age of 16, his village was overrun by monsters, who killed his friends and family. He soon became a soldier, but failed to save the life of the woman he loved. In the end, he...