Shintouki: Teogonia manga, Teogonia In the harsh region known as the borderlands, humans must fight an endless battle against demi-human creatures that come at them relentlessly, intent on taking their land and their gods. A young boy named Kai, fighting to defend his village, sustains a life-threa...
Reading Manhwa Lovely Top Star at Manhwa Website. Coming from a big agency, an idol trainee for 7 years, Lee Dojoon, who suppose to debut as a leader in a new group had a big accident which happened during a music video shoot. After the incident, his debut got cancelled, and has been inactive for h...
Reading Manhua Don’t Tell Me This Is the True History of the Three Kingdoms! at Manhua Website. I suddenly got hold of a feather fan, and came to an era of the Three Kingdoms which I completely do not know about. What? Gender equality? Girls can join the army? You, you and you, why are you all gi...
Reading Manhua Beginning of the Human Age W at Manhua Website. In the beginning of the Flood, the Great Dao was ruthless and took all things as fodder. A young boy from the human race falls to the south and stumbles onto the path of cultivation, struggling for survival, fighting for his life with h...