The Tale of Zi Wei is a series of comics based on an oriental fantasy novel written by Feng Ge. The comics chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Fang Fei and his friends, all of whom are Taoists at the World of Zi Wei. The main story arc concerns Fang Fei’s struggle against a dark and evil Taoist...
Tensei Shita Kedo Cheat Nouryoku wo Ts Tensei Shita Kedo Cheat Nouryoku wo Tsukawanai De Ikite Miru, Alfredo, who was reincarnated as the third son of a powerful noble in a different world with a cheat ability, notices that reincarnator (=apostles) in this world are thoroughly exploited. Alfredo, w...
Reading Manhua Training With The Demon King at Manhua Website The cold-blooded Demon King, unparalleled under the heavens, lost all his abilities to a crude trick by a female Hero. What is this magic ritual that requires you to give mouth to mouth with a person of the opposite sex? Even I, the Demo...
Reading Manhua UNFORGIVABLE! Unpardonably Vicious at Manhua Website The legendary killer Wu Qi missed his hand and was killed by others. What is even more bizarre is that he doesn’t even know who killed him. At this time, what appears in front of him is the existence of the killing system, and th...
Hazure Potion ga Shouyu datta no de Ryouri suru koto ni shimashita , Hazure Hantei kara Hajimatta Cheat Yuuri, a 30-year-old housewife who was unilaterally abandoned in marriage, suddenly gets lost in a different world. Yuuri, who was introduced to the work of potion harvesting by an S-class advent...
Suddenly summoned to another world, former office lady Fukuyose Mahiru becomes a lunchlady in order to cover her living expenses, as well as gather information. Then one day, she gets her hopes up when she hears a rumor that the genius Magician Randy may hold a hint to help return her to her origina...