Summary: Manga based on the famous N64 game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Before life began, before the world had form, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule. They were Din, the goddess of power, Nayru, the goddess of wisdom and Farore, the goddess of courage. Din...
Miyamae Kaito can’t use magic at all! At this rate, his promise with his childhood friend of becoming great magic-wielders together will be ruined... When he was about to give up on his dream, Kaito suddenly feels magic power. However, that was magic that makes people who meet his eyes fall in lov...
After touring America in an attempt to start a new life, Heesoo boards a plane back to her homeland of Korea. She soon realizes that it is not so easy to escape her unfortunate destiny when the plane spirals out of control and she is warped to a strange world that is distant from Earth and full of z...
Destination is a state of mind. A tale of one girl and her bike and the road ahead. Kino wanders around the world on the back of Hermes, her unusual, anthropomorphic motorcycle, only staying in each country for three days. During their adventures, they find happiness, sadness, pain, decadence, viole...
Once upon a time, a Demon King named Rchimedes caused havoc and destruction in the Human World. He was sealed away by the great hero Creasion, and peace returned to the world. 1000 years later, Rchimedes has returned, a hole has opened up in the Human World and countless monsters have sprung up. To ...
Narumi Detective Agency is where the people of old Japan go to for mysterious and supernatural cases. But Narumi is just the face of the operation and the real hero is Kuzunoha Raido, the devil summoner. As a devil summoner, Raido can call upon many different demons to assist him in solving cases th...
About Cute Princess Strikes: The Panda from Heaven Wants Hugs Manhua. Thanks to a botched job by the King of Hell, Su Ranran was mistakenly killed shortly after her university graduation. To make it up to her, she was promised a new life as a Ms Perfect… but became a fatty panda instead!? And to b...
In a fantasy world where monsters roam the land, the heroes party of Leon, Kijira and Ash traveled and slayed monsters together. But when Leon broke up with his partners so he could hang out with cute girls, Kijira and Ash starts carving their own legacy and it’s one built on the back of jealousy ...