Alto has always been followed by misfortune and his problems show no sign of coming to an end when he is suddenly kidnapped by pirates. He learns from them that the clover shaped mark on his body proves that he is the descendant of a legendary pirate. Finding the individuals who possess the spade, d...
From Tokyopop: When Julin Misumi has a recurring dream about an age ruled by martial arts, strange things start happening. She is attacked by a mysterious bird woman, saved by a masked man and given a bell by a little bird. Now she must team up with an enigmatic man named Hitoshi Ninno, who has give...
From Baka-Updates: It is the Heian era (794-1185); Kamo Yorimichi is a young onmyouji, the son of a famous onmyouji leader of the imperial court. As a boy, he had been hailed for his incredible talent - but a certain incident during childhood stripped him of all his memories and the ability to 'see'...
After establishing contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, it was found that humans were the only race to develop various sports. The number of alien sports fans grew dramatically, and the most fanatic of them regularly harass stadiums for taking part in a game, or demanding a good show, etc. F...
From Storm in Heaven: The Prophet spoke of a day when the taking of human lives will lead to the end of the world, destroyed by an unending winter and a snow that covers the earth. Only by killing Kuroto, the harbinger of destruction, can the world be saved - and the only one who can do that is Hana...
In a world where monsters and spirits are commonplace, diviner Seimei Abeno is leading a peaceful life with his partner, Shoko. Shoko, however is a white fox, and the princess of the white fox clan no less. As their relationship mixes magical and monstrous powers with divination, a totally new kind ...
Ayako, a normal high-school girl caught up in the experiment of an enigmatic genius, is divided in two. In the midst of the confusion of sharing her life, she remembers her sister who had died suddenly. What lies beyond the feelings she remembers and the feelings she’s forgotten…
Rebellious and outcast boy, Chiwoo, has been searching for his identity and purpose all his life. But when he finally finds out about his father being a Mangnani, a mysterious executioner who carries out God's judgment, he is confronted by an Emperor and his army who are determined to obliterate all...
Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a "scary person" because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the...
From Doko Demo Doa Manga Scanlations: Yamato is the son of a human and the most powerful snow woman. One day a young snow woman named Hiori came to take him back to the village of the snow women. It is said that the kiss of a snow woman could freeze a man's heart. That's what Hiori intends to do to ...
From Storm in Heaven: They are coming, and Kazuki must find a way to harness the power of the Falcon before They come to kill him. But becoming the Official Falcon is no easy task, and even if he succeeds in awakening the Falcon's power, there are rules he must follow in order to capture Them. If Ka...