RPG inspired story follows unlikely 'heroes' to stop the Consultant's wicked plans! The six book series follows young adults living their ordinary, boring lives until certain 'events' occur at the arrival of 'Sceldrant's Comet'. Our heroes suddenly get transported to a world of 'Rostical' and need t...
Ouka is the great empire that rules over 1/3 of the world. To prevent conflicts from the other countries, they hold the battle competition once in every 8 years. In this competition, 5 candidates, known as "Patriots", from each countries are to battle against each other and the winners will be grant...
God created angels to guard the peace in human world. Akamine Ryota is a promising senior at the angel training school, but because he lacks full control of his powers he's not allowed to graduate. Fellow students Shirogane, Aotsuka and Kurosawa are in the same predicament. Together, the four are se...
Sakugi Mitsuaki is a poor college student who gets hooked on figure modeling. In return for helping his class he receives some special putty -- but the figure he builds with it suddenly comes to life. The figure is a life force called Orichalcum ("Oriharukon") that fulfills the wish of its creator. ...
From Loyal Kiss: Bishie boy that got transfered and visited Ohn Noori, Lee Sun-Uh. I was surely suprised that my father, who I never met myself, had sent him, but to say he's one of my fiancée candidates!!! AND WHAT? My father is the king of a secret kingdom? Oh my~ ? Then I...am a princess? With t...
Oriko's ability to see into the future led her to commit bloody acts in her efforts to forestall an even greater tragedy later on. But what if Oriko had met Yuma Chitose before she predicted the end of the world? Would she still have chosen to manipulate the young girl if Yuma had been no stranger, ...
From Snow Kiss Scanlations: Once there was a legend of a sword. It is said that the sword of a rune god was sealed up in "Jagara-Mogara". When the spirits of Light, Water, and Earth come together, the seal will break, then the sword will be immortalised. That is the sword of Susanoh. Izumo, Kumaso, ...
A collection of love stories between normal yet extraordinary people. Ch01-05: An Unbelievable Story Ch06-13: One Step, Three Steps Ch14: Secret Ch15-22: Return Ch23-24: Ballerino Ch25-31: Same Age Ch32-34: Not Lonely Ch35-36: Knock Ch37-38: Manito Ch38.5: Illustration (New Year Special) Ch39-41: Ma...
Taking place eight years after the fall of Leitzweiss, this direct continuation of Full Ahead! Coco focuses on the continuing adventures of the Twin Sword Pirates. A crew made up of Coco, Chako, Rau, and more, they search for treasures abound upon the open seas. One such treasure would be the Pillar...
From Storm in Heaven: The orphan girl Angelique lives in Hidamari Villa with four other comrades who make up the Orb Hunters. They aid her in purifying otherworldly creatures known as Thanatoi who attack the populace, draining them of their life energy. Two large organizations also oppose this threa...
This is a story by the author of Kero Kero Chime, and you can tell. The characters look similar, though the plot seems different. Rupika lives on a far off planet called Rakariina and has a growth on her head that looks like a tiara(called the Twinkle Tiara). Her grandfather tells her that her desti...
From Kotonoha: Based on a script by the author of Old Boy and brought to life by the late manga genius Hirosuke Kizaki, Shoujo Nemu tells the moving story of Nemu, a young girl who dreams of becoming a manga artist. Even though people couldn’t tell because of her shyness, Nemu possesses extraordin...
A string of high school students have all been mysteriously murdered by being burned to death upon where water was evidently present. Junior High student Shirogane, a PSI (Paranormal Special Investigator) officer, takes action to solve this bizarre phenomenon. Upon questioning possible suspect Kiris...