From Wikipedia: Pilgrim Jäger is a historical fiction that takes place in Europe in the year 1521, at the time of the Protestant Reformation. The story follows two women, Adele the acrobat and Karin the fortuneteller. Afraid of being accused of witchcraft, they disguise their special powers, workin...
Escaflowne, the God Protector of Fanelia, has been stolen and the country is left in ruins. Desperate to find the key to Escaflowne's seal and recover the legendary guymelef, Van Fanel, Prince of Fanelia is sent to Earth, only to find it in the possession of a high school girl, Hitomi Hoshino. With ...
After his mother's death, Miwatari Yuu returns from Tokyo to live with relatives in the city of his birth, Ousuku. Yuu is the latest of a line of Shinto priests that stretches back generations. After his arrival, he runs into a strange girl who seems to be searching for the Northern Lights. Yuu saw ...
A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In this nightmare, it falls to him to descend a mysterious tower in search of absolution. Is the angel correct that he is responsible for the destruction of the world, and what can he do in this monster in...
Yume innocently uses her magic to help the people she encounters--soccer players, the wrongly incarcerated, or two young lovers wanting to see the moon on a cloudy night. And you can bet that Yume's magic leads to new adventures--and a few mishaps! Eighteen-year-old Nami is a magic user with a keen ...
A fantasy story for kids featuring a girl named Melmo, who can change her age as she wishes by eating special candies. Melmo's mother dies in a traffic accident, leaving young Melmo and her younger brother Totoo. Anxious, Melmo's mother in heaven asks God to prepare some magical candies, and hands t...
The far-off, icebound land of Bei Di Continent is ruled by thirteen clans; these thirteen clans are led by a single head, known by the title of the Demon Guardian. However, their once-steady governance has begun to waver since the last Demon Guardian’s disappearance. Ling Yan, the second young mas...
Hajime lives with the twin sisters of the family of the Komatsu shrine. Inori is of a very spiritual bent and often tries to use her 'powerful' heirloom rosary to protect her friends and family from evil. The other sister, Kanau, is more practical. She often spends time trying to keep Hajime from gr...
Sweet and teasing, demon x angel couple pairing! The two races were meant to be like fire and water, yet the head general of the demons, Wei Zou, secretly holds a crush on the head general of the angels, An Si. To get the other party's affection, he uses all sort of methods to deceive the naive ange...
From MangaHelpers: In a strange twist on Arthurian legend, young Art pulls the magical sword Excalibur out of a stone--only to find himself as one of a million Arthurs, fighting to defend the island of Britain from enemies and to earn the rank of the true king. Art is pretty puny, but his childhood ...
At the end of the 20th Century, the world is facing destruction from massive earthquakes, bad weather and other abnormal phenomena. In Tokyo, Setsuna Kai, a young boy who lost his mother when he was very small, practices Kendo every day because his goal in life is to become strong. As always, his ri...