Toshio, who was created by modifying the body of a boy into a cyborg designed for sex - was taken in by Shindou, the person who takes care of him. Toshio spends his peaceful days doing chores, and waiting for the arrival of his beloved Shindou. However, while cleaning up Shindou’s belongings after...
As a result of the successful crackdown on the gangsters, "Jitae" is in crisis due to "Taehun". Along with his collection of money, all his s** partners are caught by the prosecution.. Jitae, who is left alone, is driven by a desire for revenge and sends numerous letters containing sexual harassment...
Yul-ha, abandoned by his ex-lover for lack of an Omega, returns to his hometown for a new start. At a drinking party to commemorate his homecoming, he quickly got drunk and was struggling with his ex-lover's memory and dialed somewhere. Last night, he had the first hit cycle of his life and lost his...
Louie, the sixth prince born from an affair between the king and a maid, has a secret he can't tell anyone. Suddenly, he is sent off by the king to be married to someone in a foreign land as a "princess," being promised that his mother will be safe only if things go smoothly. The kingdom he is being...
He was a teacher who knew his student was gay and still desired his body. After running away from everything, he became a wanderer. He wanted to get away from people, and took the name, Mos-san. Yanagida struggled with the pain of being in love with the same sex. He committed attempted rape on a stu...
Because of the menacing look in his eyes, the artist, Hayama, always scares away his models. Hayama, who wants to draw the ideal bijin-ga, is a relatively obscure artist who only receives jobs for still lifes and small illustrations.But, one day, the captivating Hanae appears, dressed in women's clo...
Blue-collar omega Kosuke lives with his alpha author/homemaker husband, Haruka, and their two children, Marin and Yosuke. Between chores, child-rearing, and being an omega, Kosuke has his work cut out for him. But despite the difficulties and craziness of everyday life, each day is filled with joy, ...
"During the heyday of the fighting world, Hojung, known as the Indomitable Champion, hits rock bottom due to a life consumed by gambling addiction after sudden shoulder injury forces him into retirement.With a debt of 700 million won, his wife, who at least used to pay off the interest every month, ...
Hyunwoo, his twin brother, was the most important person in Yeonwoo's life.He already wasn't happy about the sudden marriage, but to marry a guy who's only got good looks, a cocky attitude, and money?There's no way he could ever support this marriage...!But before he had a chance to object, the two ...
Wujoo basically has two parental figures in his life. His real father of course, and Inha- his best friend of 18 years who's even more invested in his personal affairs the average parent. Wooju is desperate to get Inha something special for his birthday, but being just a mere high school student, he...
The irresistibly beautiful Crown Prince wandered within the streets, among the people, ended up as a wife to a villager. Being in a place where everyone fights for power, even so, he doesn’t want you to be disturbed by these customs; I can only wish to put aside the thoughts of dominating the worl...