Languages: en, ar
Chapters: 116
Last updated: 05/09/2023
Authors: Minatsuki Tsunami
Artists: Futatsuyu Asu

Doukyonin Wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama No Ue.

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Alternative Titles

Doukyonin Wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama No Ue., 同居人はひざ、時々、頭のうえ。 (Japanese), 同居人時而在腿上、時而跑到腦袋上 (Chinese), My Housemate is Sometimes on My Lap, Sometimes on My Head. (English), My Roommate is a Cat Mon colocataire est parfois sur mes genoux, parfois sur ma tête My Housemate Is Sometimes on My Lap, Sometimes on My Head.동거인은 무릎, 때때로, 머리 위, رفيقتي في السكن في حجري, وأحيانًا فوق رأسي, 同居人はひざ、時々、頭のうえ。, My roommate lives in my stone, sometimes over my head


A socially awkward man X a cat he found Mystery writer Mikazuki Subaru, who isn’t good at dealing with people, finds them to be a disturbance when it comes to building his imaginary world. One day, he chances upon a stray cat and feels inspiration strike so he brings the cat home as his muse. Can watching the inexplicable behaviors of a cat form material for a novel? Featuring perspectives from the human’s point of view as well as the cat’s!

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