My Roommate is a Cat
Alternative Titles
My Roommate is a Cat, Alternative : Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. / 同居人はひざ、時々、頭のうえ。 / 同居人時而在腿上、時而跑到腦袋上 / 동거인은 무릎, 때때로, 머리 위
Subaru Mikazuki is a writer who lost both parents in an accident. He rarely goes outside and finds interacting with people an annoyance because they intrude on his imagination. However, his encounter with a stray cat gives him inspiration for a new novel. As Subaru and Haru grow closer, Subaru slowly finds his world expanding, as Haru helps him remember what having a family is like. Source of collecting images: