Languages: en, ar
Chapters: 80
Last updated: 14/03/2023
Authors: Salmonotti, Sangbeom, Lim Eum
Artists: Steak

The Bride of a Monster

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Alternative Titles

The Bride of a Monster, Alternative : Bride of a Monster, Monster Bride, 괴물신부, Bride's Monster, Bride of a Monster, Monster Bride, 괴물신부


About The Bride of a Monster Manhwa. I, Hana, am dirt poor, and my father is a complete irresponsible jackass. To make matters worse, different men are coming up to me asking to be their wife–wait what?! But, it turns out that they are holding a great secret… Just what are they? Bride of a Monster Bride’s Monster Goemulsinbu Monster Bride 괴물신부

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