Based on the popular horror radio show Magabanashi, this anthology captures supernatural stories that have taken on a life of their own across social media. Readers are cautioned that these tales come with risks, as they tap into deep-seated fears and blur the line between reality and the supernatur...
Six lost souls gather in a candle-lit room with a mysterious host. None of them know exactly how they came to be there, but there's only one way out. Each of us follows a path preordained by destiny. If the souls are judged to have lost their path by mistake they will be returned to it. But if desti...
This is a story about a murdered lady, who then time travels and is reborn as the second daughter in a wealthy household. She was often bullied in her own household. After time travelling, she acts all frail and weak in the situations she encounter, while intelligently overcoming crisis after crisis...
One time a week, I will be a girlfriend of [someone]“ A bitter love story depicting the realities of love between female college students who earn money on behalf of her and men attracted by her. The first volume is a young office worker who rents the protagonist snow as a fake girlfriend, and dra...
One day, a girl who was raised as a boy has her entire life flipped upside down... A nameless boy who dreams of, becoming a knight works as a servant for the renowned Romagnolo Family. One day when he is seventeen years old, the boy faces his first monthly period and his mother tells him that actual...
In an alternative feudal Japan, a strange disease that only affects males caused a massive population reduction, leaving females to fill the vacant jobs, therefore changing the social structure. Now, 80 years after the initial outbreak with a 1:4 male:female ratio, Japan is a completely matriarchal ...
After finally escaping her unhappy marriage, Lorella is ready to enjoy a single life. Marriage certificate burned? Check. A gentle, handsome knight willing to help her in any way? Check. Everything seems to be going smoothly until a message suddenly appears before her eyes. “Dear Lorella Mayred, c...
Nadia Lancaster is the youngest daughter of a humble baron, and a proposal from the infamous Duke Staton was the last thing she was expecting. Afraid to refuse such a powerful man in the empire, she is forced to accept despite the chilling rumors that swirl around him. Before she knows it, it’s th...
Teenage country bumpkin Tatsumi dreams of earning enough money for his impoverished village by working in the Capital - but his short-lived plans go awry when he’s robbed by a buxom beauty upon arrival! Penniless, Tatsumi is taken in by the lovely Lady Aria, but just when his Capital dreams seem i...