The manga follows Ami Kurata, a first year college student with no special qualities. One day she happens to notice someone riding a folding bike, immediately falls in love with it, and uses all her savings to buy one. She eventually gets introduced to the world of long-distance bicycling and road r...
The basic story: a high school student (Nanase Hokuto) living away from his parents (who are in Australia) shares an apartment house with three older girls. His exposure to their whimsical and teasing nature leaves him pretty much despising females. However, the high-school idol (Taniyama Maina) end...
To this day *The Tale of Genji,* a story written as a picture scroll in Japan's Heian period (794-1185), is regarded as the most important work in ancient Japanese literature. A shining baby boy is born to the emperor and Kiritsubo. The boy loses his mother at a very young age, but the emperor still...