Shimada is a ruthless criminal responsible for indiscriminate mass murder, who later resorts to cannibalism. Nagumo, a police officer, is assigned to escort him, heightening the tension. But what unfolds inside the escort vehicle, packed with criminals, marks the beginning of an unimaginable terror�...
Sakuma is a college student who works part time at the Akutabe detective agency. There she does regular office work for private investigator Akutabe. However, Sakuma soon learns that Akutabe is no ordinary detective, but in fact a demon detective. He is able to summon demons through the use of a gri...
NEETs are usually people who have chosen not to be part of society due to personal problems or just straight out laziness. This story centers on a certain special girl that would have become a NEET right after high school without even realizing it. It's not that she doesn't want to get a job, but it...
The war between the two clans intensifies. Most of the Genji (Minamoto Clan) have fallen, and were taken as captives. Among them was the young Yoritomo, a surviving successor of the Minamoto Clan. Yoritomo was pardoned by the head of the Taira Clan and was exiled to Hirugakojima, a small island in t...