Tarou, an ultra-pure virgin who has a complex with red hair and freckles, he feels a sense of closeness to Rui, a transfer student who, like himself, is "half but not good at English", and becomes friends with him. However, the physical contact from Rui is so excessive and sweet that it surpasses Ta...
"Shinoburu Ninja School" is a place where young people who aspire to become ninja gather. Momoka entered the school, yearning to become a cool ninja who helps people with sword and ninjutsu. However, in addition to those classes, the school also teaches erotic skills to help them become true kunoich...
One day, a circus troupe came across the street from Eden's school. Passing by the barracks, Eden meets the ring master of the troupe, Luke. Eden, who feels guilty for Luke for a certain childhood incident, recognizes him at one glance. However, Luke does not recognize him, and Eden felt upset leads...
Ace Ramford, the most famous person in the school, has no shortcomings. However, there was someone who took his top position. It was Colin McCarthy, known as the biggest loser in the school. Then Ace accidentally discovers Colin in trouble and decides to help him. Falling for Ace, Colin starts to se...
In the far off the future, man has lived for his own selfish, personal gain. Ignoring the demands of God, mankind is brutally punished by from the skies during an event known as "The Calamity". With half of humanity eradicated, clans of males and females soon rise and become separatist. The male led...
In a town with nothing, in the middle of a daily life with seemingly no signs of change, high schooler Reiji Kurose was "just" living. Family, dreams for the future, childhood friends. All of them were binding him down to that city. He thought he would "just" keep on living like that. Until he met h...
Hahane has been alone at school thinking of her favorite senior. Her classmate, Mr. Nagikawa was watching her and said, "I should make you feel good instead." Hahane, who had xxx with her classmate, Mr. Nagikawa. It started from an impure relationship of having xxx with the flow, but now they have b...
Issei moves to the city for college and is reunited with his childhood friend, Chihiro. Although Issei had avoided him for some reason in high school, the feelings of wanting to be special to Chihiro remains, and so he starts to entice him! However, he seems to be having some problems...? A seesaw l...
Iori, a highschool student, fantasizes about being held by handsome men. His stepbrother, Ayato, has a face that's just his type. Though he spends his days masturbating with his stepbrother in mind, he tries to stay away from Ayato, as he becomes overcome with lust whenever he smells Ayato's scent, ...
The school most feared Yankee, Kijima, has a secret. He believes in such things like "fortune-teller" and "fate"— that is to say, he has a maiden's heart. One day, Kijima met with his admired fortune-teller and was told that he would soon meet his destined partner and they will be tied together. T...
Daiya is a university student who wishes to have a girlfriend. He spends his days studying and playing around. He usually goes to Ohashi's apartment after a long night out. Living alone, he doesn't have to worry about anything, and his location is also convenient. Moreover, Ohashi is always willing ...
Subaru, a fashion student who was looking for a model for the show, found a Mosa man who shines on the train with good material! When I want to see him again, the Mosaic man Kazue just appeared at the part-time job!? As a friend, while being fashionable, "After all I have a good face…", Subaru is ...
In the summer of 202X, a crisis comes for the majority of demons who have been receiving human souls and filling their mana. As there are more devilish humans than demons, there is no need to seek help from demons even while selling their souls. In order to overcome this employment difficulty, demon...
In 1948, during the Berlin Blockade incident, there was a hidden conflict between the Eastern and Western spy agencies over the discoveries of a Nazi Germany occult research organization known as Ahnenerbe. The CIA and the Soviet State Security Ministry were engaged in a fierce battle to obtain Nazi...
Sora Pometani, a sober high school student, has a peculiar constitution: when he's anxious he turns into a Pomeranian. One day, his classmate and secret love, Makito Matsuda, bumped into him in his Pomeranian and ends up taking him home. Makito takes Sora in his pomeranian form home because he resem...