After humanity's successful conquest of the Gate, peace has returned once again. However, the powerful psychic abilities of the Espers have become a double-edged sword for humanity, causing them great distress. A new opportunity arises for Esper "NO.00 Michael," who is facing imminent death. Adam, a...
Satoru Takeichi, also known as Ichigo, works at a sawmill. While working, he got into a mechanical problem and ended up having the first joint of his right little finger amputated. He and other employees searched for the cut off part, but couldn't find it. Ichigo goes straight to the hospital and re...
Seven women, one man, a suspenseful harem story! During a class reunion, the school became an enclosed dimension without warning. Yelling and screaming brought no response. 26-year old unemployed Haruka Sato has to survive by cooperating with seven of his former classmates. Soon, the extreme conditi...
To help save her family's failing business, Sawako agrees to undergo a Shinto rite in which she will be symbolically married to the god of her family's shrine, a deity responsible for good harvests and business success. However as soon as the ceremony is complete the god appears in person to claim h...
Lala, the daughter of a nobleman, is sent to the castle of Walter the Feudal Lord, in place of her sister who has eloped. Lala is prepared to be treated harshly, but for some reason, Walter grows fiercely attached to Lala as though he was never even remotely engaged to her sister to begin with. .......
Albert is reborn in another world and strives for a peaceful life in the Kingdom of Alexa. However, after being "kidnapped" by a Demon Goddess of war, Marida, he becomes a wanted man by the Kingdom! Unable to return to his original country, Albert decides to live in the Empire of Eranzia. While enjo...
Orphaned after the his parents were murdered, Uta Rain was ultimately auctioned off as a slave. Certain that he would be treated terribly no matter where he was taken, Uta was in despair. But what awaited him was... a luxurious meal and five pretty sisters. However, they were the daughters of the de...
What I'm looking for is not stability but "stimulation". "The bite mark you put on me, it's gone, hasn't it?"Hina, who runs a detective agency, meets Seishi, a clerk at a coffee shop near his new office.Hina is intrigued by his rebellious attitude and charming demeanor and frequents the coffee shop....
Haruma and Nagisa have overcome their strained relationship due to their "sex friends contract" and have confirmed their feelings for each other. Now that Haruma is his boyfriend, he grows sweeter with each passing day, and Nagisa is constantly at his mercy with his straightforward expressions of af...
A marriage that started unintentionally. But my useless husband demands a divorce on a whim.Leah, thinking she can't just quietly get divorced like this, rushes off to a friend's vacation home, where she encounters a leopard that saves her in a moment of danger.It turns out that the leopard is actua...
Reuniting with a First Love After 10 Years! Hyun Jiwoo, once a star on the Seongeon High School baseball team, faced a heartbreaking split when his junior and lover, Choi Sunho, unexpectedly left for the United States. Ten years later, Jiwoo has buried his emotions and thrown himself into his work, ...