A half-human, half-vampire girl named Miyu is trapped in a body that will remain a teenager forever. As a vampire, it is her duty to hunt down demonic beings known as Shinma who have wandered into the human world and send them back to the Darkness. The new story begins with Miyu transferring to a ce...
50 years after the war with aliens. Sumire Ichigaya is 18 years old. To pay off her debts, she works for a company that exterminates space pests. One day, Sumire's daily life changes drastically when she is kidnapped by a UFO! The voice of someone in her head, "space vermin attacking" and even a mil...
The world is plunged into an icy age, and 95% of humanity is wiped out! In his previous life, our hero Zhang Yi was tragically killed by the very people he helped, thanks to his kind heart. But fear not, for Zhang Yi has been reborn and now possesses the awesome power – space manipulation! He's go...
Tateyuki Chono is devastated when his apartment and extensive collection of insect specimens burns to the ground one evening. But his luck turns around when a chance leads him to meet famed entomologist Izumo Kusanagi. Chono is floored by the kind hospitality of Kusanagi and his beautiful daughter T...
Reading Manhua Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients are Horrific at Manhua Website Will this treacherous darkness swallow you up, or will you survive as a unique existence? Lin En accidentally transmigrated into this monstrous world. As a rare human doctor, every one of his patients was moved by his ...
All of a sudden, a girl is able to see grotesque monsters all around her; but no one else can. Rather than trying to run away or face them, she instead musters all of her courage and... ignores them. Join in on her day-to-day life as she keeps up her best poker face despite the supernatural goings-o...
"She feels lonely inside the screen so sometimes she appears in reality to tease you..."Even if you can write good things by a fluke, doesn't mean it will guarantee your success next time. I am a novelist, but for years I have been writing things I couldn't understand myself. One day, a poltergeist ...
This is a original story set in the world of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. In 1992, a small town in Canada called Planck's Creek is faced with the untimely death of a young woman, Patsy Paula. In this town that is a lot stranger than it seems, her childhood friends take on a bizarre adventure to unravel...
As a result of the efforts of the people of Chaldea, the human incineration plan of those who called themselves the Magic King was bitterly stopped at the water's edge, and the destiny of the world seemed to be breathing again. However, suddenly, the singularity of the same level as the singularity ...
A manga adaptation of the "Mononoke: Karasara" movie.The setting is the Ooku, a "women's garden" where men aren't allowed, as well as a bureaucratic institute. Two new maids, Asa and Kame, step into the Ooku; Asa is a smart, beautiful woman looking to advance her career, while Kame is looking for he...
As a result of the efforts of the people of Chaldea, the human incineration plan of those who called themselves the Magic King was bitterly stopped at the water's edge, and the destiny of the world seemed to be breathing again. However, suddenly, the singularity of the same level as the singularity ...
Awaken the "malice" sleeping inside you. Chinatsu is a middle school girl who's an honor student and highly trusted by her teacher. She gets along with her friends, and she spends her days happily without hating anyone. However, on her period, Chinatsu realized it. That she hated her homeroom adviso...