In a blend of horror games and reality, the protagonist, a down-and-out young man named Xiao Hei, gains a golden finger that allows him to predict events in the next ten minutes, along with the ability to train and nurture supernatural beings. He embarks on battles of wits and bravery, fighting agai...
"I will never marry an ugly woman!"Traumatized by her childhood fianc's words, the daughter Moanette is now in full body "armor". She spends her days alone in the forest, far from love.One day, her former fianc, the prince, and his squire, the handsome and tongue-tied knight Percival, suddenly visit...
Kuro Heartfield is the lord of the frontier territory, but his true identity is that of an ordinary 25-year-old man who got reincarnated here from another world. He has been relegated to being the feudal lord of this remote region for his demotion, after earning the resentment of high-ranking nobles...
In a steampunk world - more like our world than you would think - the Celestial Triad Church, an ancient religion based on nature protection, is spreading all over the world, becoming the unifying factor for masses suffering from an apocalyptic threat looming over earth. Elion, a Sun Child, a girl r...
A survival fantasy where life and death repeat in a school that has been overrun by orcs and turned into he**! The school is suddenly transported to another world, where it is overrun by monsters and turned into he**. Okoyo Takumi, who lost his life while trying to escape with his beloved sister-in-...
Japanese sweets save a debt-ridden elf! Alice, an elf, runs a confectionery shop in the forest of Auin to pay off the debt left by her parents. One day, however, when she is worried that her sweets are not selling, she suddenly falls into the "Fountain of Wishes. When she opens her eyes, she finds h...
The day of the "Attribute" assessment when you turn 10. A boy raised in an orphanage, dreaming of becoming an adventurer—Light was granted the rare attribute of Light, which appears once in every 1,000 people. However, while it was rare, the Light attribute was called a "failure attribute." ...Bec...
The villainess who almost destroyed her kingdom found herself looped back to five years before her death.She is a fourteen-year old girl, loved by her father, the King, and her two brothers. Sophia remembers everything that she had done, to her maids, to her knights, to her family.Bryath, her bodygu...
**DeepL Translation:** A mysterious jeweler who converts precious objects into jewels, and the many loves and stories that surround him. Enjoy the many gem tales that unfold in a wide variety of settings, eras and historical figures. --- **Links:** ( (https:...
Maya, who inherited the position as the Saintess, was angry at the human world. The first Saintess had saved the world from the demons by Holy Magic, but now the humans oppressed demons just like demons did before they were saved. Maya declares: "I'm crashing human world!" She visits the Demon Queen...