Mo Luo, the infamous weakling of the weaklings among the demon descendants, gets kicked out by his father to the Human Realm, leaving him to fend for himself. Due to an unexpected turn of events, Mo Luo transform Chen Yu, a downbeat college student, into a baby bunny plushie, resulting in a demon an...
Jiro, who swept through numerous cooking contests and had the perfect start as a chef at a three-star restaurant, suddenly finds himself transported to another world after a truck accident. He ends up in a remote countryside convent full of women, where he's forced to work as their cook. But it's a ...
Lena has been counting the days until she comes of age. This is all to finally confess her feelings to Nix, her teacher, so that he can become her husband instead of her guardian. But on her long-awaited birthday, Nix suddenly vanishes without a trace, and five years pass in the blink of an eye. Len...
One of the most popular novels in "Mahou-no-Airando" website now in vertical-scrolling comic! Elise, a princess of a small kingdom, Loubeshran, was known all over the continent for her cleverness and beauty. Many nobles and princes have asked her to marry him, but she never said yes. She just cares ...
The powerful and sickly Regent King x The strong and active spoiled daughter of the Prime Minister. Nan Xi was reborn after a tragic death at the hands of a scumbag and a bitch, and suddenly realized that she was blind in her previous life and chose fish eyes instead of pearls! The sickly Regent Kin...
A second chance arrives for Ma Beomtae, whose dream of becoming a hero was shattered by a false accusation. Now, he must debut on a survival program to become a hero. However, being a K-hero these days isn't as easy as it seems. With a 7-day workweek, mandatory donations, constant backstabbing, and ...
Kanami, a young man that strayed into another world and suddenly awoke in a dark corridor is nearly killed by a demon and humans. Then preferring to use the status and skill systems Kanami aims for the deepest part of the Labyrinth. The skill [? ? ?] consumes his emotions, and he befriends some unus...
Reading Manhwa I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game at Manhwa Website Tower Defense & Dungeon Attack RPG I saw the ending to the game no one was able to clear. But, when I came to my senses, I was inside of the game. In fact, I was in the tutorial stage, a place where strategy was impossible. “I...
Based on the early Japanese folktale Taketori Monogatari, this is a story about a Princess exiled from the moon and her story on Earth. On the dark side of the moon exists a highly advanced civilization divided into two clans, the Takenouchi family and the Umenouchi family. Takenouchi Kaguya is the ...
Ranga was an ogre. However, he was also a strong ogre. Strong enough that he became one of the four most elite demons in the whole land. And, as with many other stories, his comrades betray him. Upon his death, he reincarnates as a normal human. Now, with all of the knowledge and strength of his for...