The ordinary boy Kazuki is summoned to another world as a "hero," but he has his right hand cut off by humans and is banished with the stigma of being "useless." Just as he is on the brink of death, a girl named Ruta, claiming to be a survivor of the supposedly extinct ancient dragon race, appears b...
In a world where cards reign supreme, where monsters, mech-beings, and furries can all be summoned, what chance does Zeng Qiang, a poor and ordinary orphan, have to become a card master? Faced with a life-or-death crisis, Zeng Qiang discovers that his talent holds unexpected potential! Who knew card...
The Eternal Vivian is dying from an unknown disease and must rely on her young apprentice Betty and her servant Arsenio to make the cure. Unfortunately, one of the ingredients is Horn of the Demon King- something completely out of reach of the two. Luckily, on the first expedition to the Demon King'...
Alex, a holy knight, is suddenly expelled from his adventurers' party. He tries to live a comfortable life by accepting a quest to cultivate a remote area, but suddenly he is given the extra skill "Slave Release"...? Summon beautiful girl slaves and cultivate a demon territory overrun with demons! A...
Reading Manhwa Somehow My Tyrant Husband Has Became Cautious at Manhwa Website Eurenia, the eldest daughter of Count Vincent, famously lost her eyesight and voice when she saved the madam of the Euclid dukal family from a fire. The truth, however, is that while she did save the duchess, her loss o...
It has been 30 years since the world and the world known as the frontier were connected. Countries around the world began to explore the frontier in search of new resources. Now, with qualifications, even civilians can pass through the gate and go to the frontier. And adventurers were born to bring ...
Kwon Hara is just an ordinary high schooler until she is summoned to the world of Tatara, where she meets her favorite book character, Tori Veriharts. Although star-struck by Tori, she desperately wants to return home to her beloved mother. The only way back, she is told, is to become the successor ...
Kuroda Kanbei Yoshitaka and Takenaka "Hanbei" Shigeharu are the two genius military advisors who led Toyotomi Hideyoshi to unify the nation. A dull and unmarried salaryman in his thirties wake up one day to find that he had become Hanbei! He had been reborn along with seven other men of the same age...
Born as the Thirteenth Prince, Noah was originally in a position removed from the imperial succession, so he freely passed his time in the fief granted to him. However, the Crown Prince died before the Emperor. The imperial succession would be fairly contested among the remaining princes. Noah, bein...
Reading Manga Always Second but Actually Invincible at Manga Website Cleo Farshid has been disowned from his noble family due to his inability to be number one in anything at the Royal Academy. Cleo decides to escape his stuffy life and live more freely, taking advantage of his skills to become an ...
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Daigoshou - Mizu no Miyako to Eiyuu no Uta summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Daigoshou - Mizu no Miyako to Eiyuu no Uta. If you have any question about this manga, Pleas...