Gao Yang, an orphan, crosses over to a "parallel world" at the age of six and starts living in a warm family of five. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang accidentally discovers the true nature of the world: it's not a parallel world at all but a mysterious realm, and the family and friends around him a...
A catastrophic event has thrust the world into an age where disease begets disease. Ostracized for his unconventional treatment methods, the dark Doctor Ikuru is stricken with an immortalizing disease. On a desperate mission to die, he must save a world desperate to live. This medical science-fictio...
Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died. Aft...
A young man who died in an accident while protecting a girl reincarnated in another world and was picked up by an old man. However, the old man wasn't just a person. Far from being just anybody, he was a "hero" who didn't understand common sense at all !! This is the story of a reincarnated person, ...
Should you sell dreams? Buy dreams? Or...? Oiran (courtesan), the business of selling dreams. Though he reigns at the top of his courtesan profession, Tankou leads a boring life. While gazing at the fleeting yet beautiful...and hateful cherry blossoms blooming before his eyes, a mysterious person na...
Read I Ascend By Slaying Gods manhua A higher-dimensional invasion has turned the entire Earth into a massive gaming world, with most people losing their free will and becoming NPCs. Chen Feng becomes one of the few awakened individuals, forced to embark on a journey to confront players and defend ...
Read "The Youngest Child of the Family Is Preventing the World From Ending" for free at Story line of "The Youngest Child of the Family Is Preventing the World From Ending":"The stupid youngest one, the one who doesn't know how to do anything, but causes trouble with her cute face." Exasperated, I l...
The villainess wants to take revenge on her reaper father! Capella Axicon, the daughter of two great dukes, faces a dire situation after being accused of murdering her fiancé, Prince Oberon. Seeking help from her only remaining family, her father, the Reaper Duke, she’s met with his ruthless deme...
A kid was adopted into a rich family where he had 11 step-brothers. Growing up he didn't have a good relationship with his brothers but it all changed when his parents died in a car accident which left him in a coma for 3 years. After waking up, his brothers love him but it doesn't seem like normal?
Teen model Manatsu is almost attacked by a monster but is saved by the superhero Ultima. However, Manatsu has a target on her back after being splattered by the monster's blood! A couple of girls from the enemy faction are fooling around with each other, Manatsu's mother is flirting with a female se...
"Are you so happy to conceive my child that you can't restrain yourself?" I'm a playboy, but I get wet when a beast man touches me...!? Yurito, a playboy who attends a veterinary school, is suffering from the idiosyncratic nature of being "avoided and hated by males", whether they are humans or anim...
Zhu Yunwen, who barely survived the Jingnan campaign, received the souls of two of the world's strongest martial artists, the First Heavenly Demon of the Demonic Cult and Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Shaolin Temple, in his body, and was reborn as Heaven Destroyer. This is the story of the Hea...