In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, herbivores and carnivores coexist with each other. For the adolescences of the Cherryton School, school life is filled with hope, romance, distrust, and uneasiness. The main character is Legosi the wolf, a member of the drama club. Despite his menacin...
Reading Manhwa Ashen Oreum at Manhwa Website In a world on the verge of extinction due to an alien invasion, Han Oreum, who continues to lead a military life while raising her daughter Goo Cho-rok alone, is attacked by a strange creature during a civilian rescue operation. She hurriedly evacuated h...
Reading Manhua The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber at Manhua Website. Treasured sabre belongs to a dragon and commands an army of beasts. If the Heaven Sword does not come out, then who will fight for mastery. An ignorant brat, Zhang Wuji, grew up on a lonely island. He got lucky out of a bad sit...
Reading Manhua Post-apocalyptic Dispatch Company at Manhua Website. A failed entrepreneurship! A ten million debt! A betrayal! A girlfriend that ran away! He even landed in a pile of trash/rubbish/garbage when he tried to jump off a building! The unlucky Cao Xiaomeng woke up to find himself surroun...
Reading Manhua My Senpai Knows Magic at Manhua Website This is a world where science and magic coexist. Here, some people pursue powerful magic, while others study eternal truth. The protagonist, Blair, a mathematician who came from a different world, with left-handed magic and right-handed science...
Reading Manhua Interpreter of the Outer Gods at Manhua Website Interpreter of the Outer Gods: Dissatisfied with the power of the strongest god Azathoth, the seven gods joined forces to betray Azathoth. After seizing the right to rule the continent of Shumulias, they worked together to eliminate the...
Reading Manhua Catch A Dragon Become My Wife at Manhua Website To save the empress, the emperor dived deep into the thousand year lake without thinking about his own safety. In the lake, he tricked a Xuan Long who was abandoned by his tribe to go to the palace and coaxed the Xuan Long to give him h...
Reading Manhwa Nowhere to Escape, My Sweet Wife at Manhwa Website. Nowhere to Escape, My Sweet WifeI got myself quite drunk because the man I loved for six years just dumped me. I just wanted to vent my anger on something, whatever it was! But WAIT! Did I just wreck THAT man’s car? I mean the Pre...
A speck of dust can fill an ocean. A blade of grass can destroy the sun, moon, and the stars. A flick of a finger can turn the world upside down. Groups of heroes rise, and innumerable clans stand together. Various saints fight for power as the entire world falls into chaos. I ask the boundless Moth...