The tale of Monster Soul takes place in the land of Elfenland where humans and monsters inhabit. The main characters is a group of monsters called the Black Airs. The Black Airs is recorded as the strongest group of the monster forces in the great war between the humans and monsters. [taken from wik...
Reading Manhua Straying Under the Demon’s Influence at Manhua Website. One day, Mo Chuan, an exorcist, accidentally unseals an ancient demon who has been trapped for hundreds of years and accidentally forms a contract in the process. Now Mo Chuan wants nothing more than to reseal this demon. The ...
Reading Manga The Snowflower Blooms for Revenge at Manga Website “Xuehua, a no-nonsense handmaiden seeking promotion in the harem, is one day entrusted with the important task of serving the feared Princess Bailian, an immortal witch from an enemy nation. However, the diligent Xuehua finds that �...
Reading Manhwa Is Everyday Life Possible? at Manhwa Website. Yoo-il Hotel’s representative director is Lee Hojin. He not only possesses an outstanding appearance and background, but he is also competent, modest, and well-mannered! The natural enemy of such a man is Lee Youngjun, his cousin. In or...
From Nagareboshi Manga: Amy's parents divorced when she was very young, and they now live away from her. The thing she wants most is to have her parents back together, and happy, like they used to be. Lucky for her, Amy might just get her wish, in the form of two angels crashing through her bedroom ...
Reading Manhua Invincible Within My Domain at Manhua Website What kind of shabby book can only make me invincible in a fixed small area? ! Cultivating can increase the range? ! In this terrifying world where ferocious beasts run rampant and monsters come forth in large numbers, this senior brother,...