To Save the World Can You Wake Up the Morning After with a Demi-Human, Sekai wo Sukuu Tame ni Watashi to Asa Chun Dekimasu ka? Humans and demihumans live together in peace, and in this world, there’s a normal human named Hironori Tabata. One day, an angel named Suzuki Lina went out to find him an...
Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a manga based on Type-Moon's famous visual novel, Tsukihime. The story follows Tohno Shiki, a teenage boy who, after a near-fatal accident in his childhood, gained the mysterious power to perceive lines covering everything around him. When he cuts along these lines, whateve...
Reading Manhwa Now I Will Take The Emperor’s Heart at Manhwa Website. Ra Hyun, yang mendadak meninggal karena artimia, mohon dihidupkan kembali kepada dewa. Akhirnya dia hidup kembali sebagai Daphne di Kekaisaran Fiant, Namun sekarang misinya adalah dia harus merebut hati kaisar 100% agar dia bis...
Reading Manhua The Throne at Manhua Website. There are all kinds of creatures fighting against each other on Earth, but only one can be called King of the Earth, that can sit on the throne with girls hovering around him! A young man, a bloody sword, girls, and a group of Spiritual Pets… The road ...
Reading Manhua My Ancestors Rolled in Money at Manhua Website With the help of the invincible patriarch who came through time and space, Yan Wo and his weird friends are committed to reviving their sect, cultivating, upgrading, expanding their influence, breaking the monopoly of the traditional sec...
Reading Manhua Princess Agent Reborn at Manhua Website Sheng Qianyu was an agent who accidentally time traveled to the ancient time as the third daughter of King Yu. Yet the original owner of the body seemed to be unfavored by her family and lived a hard time before. Meanwhile, King Xuan got close ...
Reading Manhua Shopping Agent in Heaven at Manhua Website. The story of a penniless guy getting rich overnight He was struggling so hard to pay his debt, yet by chance he found a secret channel that connects the mortal world and immortal world! This is a huge business opportunity, because he’s go...
Just before she gets hit by a huge truck, Inseo Han, an ordinary South Korean woman who worked in a research lab, receives a text message offering her a special journey, new relationships, and opportunities for extra income. Determined to make it out of the situation alive, she accepts the offer and...
The World is made from five types of mana: Green mana grown in the forest which represents life and growth; White mana born in the plains which symbolizes order and light; Blue mana risen from the ocean, reflecting knowledge and illusion; Black mana seeping from the swamps, controlling death and dar...
Reading Manhua Everlasting Dragon Emperor at Manhua Website After being betrayed by the people he once loved, Lu Ming experienced the cold reality of the cultivation world. However, as chance would have it, he obtained the inheritance of a supreme expert who once suffered the same fate as him. Henc...
Martial Streamer manhwa, TaeMin was a student taking a gap year, when he ended up electrocuting himself while trying to become a Youtuber. However, he ends up being reincarnated as Zhao Ga-hui in a world of martial arts, with livestreaming abilities to boot! With the special ability to access Youtu...