A psychological thriller centering on miserable convenience store worker Tadahiro, whose only solace is watching idol VR videos. He had to drop out of high school due to his unhappy family environment. His part-time employer treats him poorly. So he retreats into fantasies where the idol Kanzaki soo...
Reading Manhwa Mosquito War at Manhwa Website After a genetic mutation, mosquitoes have become the strongest predator on the planet. Will mankind be able to fight back? MANHWATOP is a website dedicated to fans of anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of you...
(from ebookjapan): Dr. Augustus S. F. X. van Dozen is the world's greatest detective. His precise mind is called a "thinking machine", and he declares that there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by logic, and he successfully escapes from an impossible prison! From the detective stories...
A mysterious mansion has towered proudly over the Tokyo district of Numanakarai since the Taisho period. Those who enter either never escape, or leave having experienced horrors untold, and with the desire to take revenge. The latest work from seasoned author Kazuhiro Fujita (Ushio to Tora, Karakuri...
The brothers perform the banned alchemic technique of human transmutation in a effort to resurrect her when Trisha dies of the plague. As a result, the transmutation backfires and in law with equal exchange, the left leg and Alphonse's whole body of Edward are ruined. Edward loses his right arm to s...
This is a short story collection anchored with the tale of a young woman who is trying to ignore the reality that her husband is a serial killer, including "The Record of Peter Kürten", "Sensual Nights", "Lord Iechika Mogami", "The Lady of the Rhine", and "The Thief Akikazu Inoue". --- **Volume 265...
Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a manga based on Type-Moon's famous visual novel, Tsukihime. The story follows Tohno Shiki, a teenage boy who, after a near-fatal accident in his childhood, gained the mysterious power to perceive lines covering everything around him. When he cuts along these lines, whateve...
Deep Insanity Nirvana manga, One day, a large hole named Asylum is discovered in Antarctica. At the same time, the mysterious coma-inducing illness Randolph Syndrome begins spreading around the world. Many countries sent an investigation squad to the asylum, believing it to be the cause of the dise...
Reading Manhwa Dalsez at Manhwa Website Denzel Westwood is a young, talented magician without a care in the world, until one day his eyes suddenly begin to turn amber, prompting a series of events which will lead him to discover the truth of the world in which he lives and the mysterious Abyss whic...
Reading Manhwa Revenant Plants at Manhwa Website. I became a guard on the night-shift at an auto parts factory for the high salary, not expecting all the upcoming frightful events! That young girl who showed up at midnight, the mysterious death of Mr. Thompson, and Director Jones who came out of no...