This intriguing manhwa, written by Koh Yanghui and illustrated by LICO, takes readers on a thrilling journey through drama, fantasy, historical settings, and romance. As you delve into the pages of this manhwa, get ready to be captivated by the story of Cheon Nyeon-bi, the strongest in murim, who fi...
Reading Manhwa The Dignity Of Romance at Manhwa Website When corporate director Seo Woohyun goes on a blind date with journalist Lee Byul, love is not on his mind. Nonetheless, charmed by her eccentric personality, he soon finds himself in bed with her. But when Byul suddenly disappears, Woohyun tr...
Reading Manhwa Drug-Eating Genius Mage at Manhwa Website Following an uprising, the nine-year-old princess of Grandia, Gris Benedict, had gone missing. In fact, she ended up working as a maid in brothel, really no better than a slave. She spent eleven years in that hellhole, but was fortunate enoug...
Reading Manhua Cheating Men Must Die at Manhua Website. Reading Cheating Men Must Die and the Prime Minister Manhua Reading Cheating Men Must Die: The Evil Consort is Busy Manhua One moment oppressing scum yields a moment of satisfaction. Continuously oppressing scum yields continuous satisfactio...
Reading Manhwa I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away at Manhwa Website. You can read The Taming of the Tyrant (offical) on Tapas. God gave me a chance to relive my life. Before the rebirth, I had been used for the past 400 years as the empire’s sword. And so, I swore to destroy the empire. I found the yo...
Reading Manhwa When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law Everyone Became Obsessed With Me at Manhwa Website A wicked woman who is feared by her husband and her son. A mother-in-law who is abandoned by her family after tormenting the female lead. That was me. So I brought my young daughter-in-law who...
Reading Manhwa I have an SSS-rank Trait, but I want a Normal Life at Manhwa Website Even though strange beings like monsters and constellations appeared, my personal philosophy did not change. But with the sudden awakening and blessing of an SSS-rank trait, my peaceful life went bye-bye. I have n...