Disciples,” a thrilling manhwa that combines action, drama, and fantasy. In this manhwa, we follow the extraordinary journey of Kim Joo-hyuk, a reincarnated martial god who sets out to find his disciples from 300 years ago. With its gripping storyline and stunning artwork, this manhwa is sure to c...
Reading Manhwa The Villainess is a Marionette at Manhwa Website. Cayena, the Imperial Princess, was known as the most beautiful woman in the Empire. She was a woman who knew nothing but evil and luxury. However, she was destined for ruin: she would be used as a chess piece by her younger brother to...
Reading Manhwa Don’t Look Back Seisia at Manhwa Website Seisia Lidyne is on the run. After her stepmother berated her once more, it was the last straw for Seisia. With just enough money to take a carriage to a nearby village, she makes her escape from Lidyne Estate. The villagers remain wary at f...
Reading Manhwa The East Wind of the Altas at Manhwa Website The people of Genevu always pay their debts. So when peasant girl Claire throws herself under Marquess Balt Morenheitz’s favorite horse, forcing him to kill the animal to save her life, she must repay him by spending a night in his bed. ...
Reading Manhwa Lady Crystal is a Man at Manhwa Website Due to her weak constitution, the youngest daughter of the Rotary family does not come out of the house. A vulnerable lady, Crystal Rotary. In fact, she is a man. A family where only girls are kept alive and boys are either become corposes or h...
This ongoing series, written and illustrated by Hwang Bino, takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with intrigue, love, and self-discovery. In this article, we will delve into the mesmerizing storyline, explore the key themes, and highlight why this manhwa deserves your attention. In this fasc...