One day, a mysterious virus appeared on Earth which killed every infected human over the age of 13. At the same time, vampires emerged from the world's dark recesses and enslaved mankind. Enter Hyakuya Yuuichirou, a young boy, who along with the rest of the children from his orphanage, are treated a...
Reading Manhwa The Palace Beast at Manhwa Website The princess knew she had extraordinary abilities, but knowing that she would never become a queen, the princess wanted to live the rest of her life quietly with her maid. However, the conspiracy of the state covets the country, and the prince, who...
Reading Manhua My Cute Baby Is A Wingman at Manhua Website. Top hacker Ann Jiujiu sneaks into an auction, intending to steal a gem, but unexpectedly loses her baby! Instead, there is a child who looks exactly like her son, only a bit dumb? When the little fox An Jiujiu meets the big black wolf Ji J...
Welcome to the game, player. The story is about a boy named Kang Min who lost his brother due to a game called 'Ghost Game'. Five years later, he receives a mysterious phone call telling him to participate in the game if he wants to find his brother. After accepting the offer, he begins to encounter...
Reading Manhua Taoist Master Hoguk at Manhua Website Hoguk wanted to become a taoist like the person who saved him from ghoul when he was young. So he enrolled to the school in Mt. Yangjiao but he had no talent or signs having energy. His future was without any hope. One day, a group of ghouls that...