Zhang Lingchen, a high school student who is retaking his college entrance exam, drinks a strange cup of milk tea. Upon waking up, he realizes he has become a sacrificial offering in a mysterious ritual. A terrifying white silk flies out of a lacquer box, accidentally awakening the "Entity of Wisdom...
From Easy Going Scans In a world where only females are born with the ability to practice magic, Amel, a boy is born with the ability. In this world, he must conceal he is a male or he will be considered illegal. From the prestigious Espresso family, he/she must prove that only he/she is needed to c...
is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The storyline follows a high school student who falls upon a supernatural laptop from a shinigami named Ryuk that allows its user the power to kill anyone whose name and face he understands, Light Yagami. The series...
This is the manga adaptation of the Vampire Hunter D novel series released by Digital Manga Publishing in collaboration with Hideyuki Kikuchi. Kikuchi personally selected Saiko Takaki, a doujinshi and graphic designer illustrator who has worked on numerous projects for the manga and game industries ...