In this story set in the early 1980s, a young man dreams of becoming a renowned comic writer in years to come. His name is HONOO Moyuru. He has no money, only a dream. Then, he feels overwhelmed by his lack of ability, and buys some sake, although he has no head or stomach for alcohol. This is a tor...
Choi Ha Ram, an average high schooler decides to buy a necklace one day without knowing that this item is going to turn her life upside down! That necklace has a connection with the ghost of Yu Ga On and whoever wears it is able to see him. Yu Ga On has no intentions to harm the girl on the contrary...
About I Want to Become a Heroic Swordswoman! Manhua. A woman dies on her way to a martial arts competition and wakes up as a rich young lady. At first, I was a martial genius and only wanted to become a hero but due to hunger, I ended dying. When I opened my eyes again, I had reincarnated as a weak...
Reading Manhua Ghost Hubby Spoils Me at Manhua Website. As the heir of an exorcist family, she had a nightmare of a first mission. However, the moment she was about to be devoured by the evil spirit, a man came to her rescue. Before she even managed to tell if this is an act of chivalry or just ano...
Reading Manhua I Don’t Want a Harem! at Manhua Website. The female leads who reincarnate into different worlds are usually both smart and brave, and possess special skills as the main characters. They avenge the original heroine who died a tragic death, then win over handsome men and conquer the ...
From Webtoon Live and Shiro Nabi: "Welcome to Survival, 'I Am Unhappy,' the exciting game show to find the world's unhappiest person! The grand prize... is a wish granted by God!" When the victor of the game show wishes for the end of the world, God accepts this wish with a set condition: the world'...
Doomsday suddenly occurs, and Qin An's girlfriend, who has been in love with him for 7 years, suddenly betrays him. Then, things are not as simple as they seem. Many clues slowly unravel. All of the stories are not so plain and ordinary. Qin An is unsure of what is going on and what to do. So, he em...
These people have been living unhappy lives because they've never been able to do what they want. Ga Yeon's smart, but wants to become a singer. However, the Korean educational system strongly enforces studying to students without considering the goals and dreams of the student. She's been forced to...
With his teacher’s command, he is the only sole seedling left in the gate, fighting the demons of this world alone, known as “South City Little Monster Road”! No spell matrix methods are left alone, and the Master Zhen Chuan Ling Quan Sword has to be mastered, but the enemy is far stronger tha...
About Ring Finger Thief Manhwa. Linda is a girl who lives in poverty searching for her mother who disappeared 10 years ago. One day, her father comes home bringing a drawn map of the location of Rumpelstiltskin’s hut. Filled with anger, Linda burns the map then becomes unconscious. When she wakes ...
Reading Manhua Five Charming Brothers at Manhua Website. Yvonne Xia has 5 brothers. Big brother is cold but actually a pervert. The second brother is a gender and warm boy. The third brother is an arbitrary and rebellious boy. The fourth brother is beautiful and likes dressing girls’ clothes. The...