Languages: en, ar
Chapters: 5
Last updated: 28/01/2023
Artists: Nangoku Banana


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Alternative Titles

Hiki, Alternative : ヒキ, 鬼柜


When a gang is lead to a mysterious wardrobe in the middle of a forest by a map found in a desk, their venture of curiosity might turn into something else... From Baka-Updates: While searching behind his desk drawer, Rin finds a hand drawn map of his neighborhood with a big X marking a specific spot. He doesn't recognize it, because he must have drawn it a long time ago, but he's curious to see what he marked with that X. Three childhood friends join him, and they discover an abandoned chest of drawers at the X location. Wondering if there might be something inside, Rin pulls open the drawers and unknowingly unleashes a horrific chain of events...

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