The Angel Troupe consist of five members, the beautiful Milfeulle, Mint, Ranpha, Forte, and Vanilla. They have one mission, to protect Prince Shiva at all costs. Prince Shiva is the sole survivor of the royal family destroyed by a coup d'etat. They must complete the mission under the command of Taku...
MADARA tells the story of an apprentice blacksmith in a rural village who gets by using artificial limbs created by his adoptive father. But when a chance encounter with the demon Moki reveals Madara's true destiny, he's catapulted into a mythic quest! His real father, the evil despot Miroku, feared...
The story revolves around junior high schoolers Sayaka and Tomo. Sayaka is under extreme pressure at home, and Tomo is secretly living an alternate life as 'Pochi', his mom's pet dog. They become friends after an accidental meeting, and although they lead very different lives, they quickly become ea...
A new transfer student appears. Nanahara Ayabuki is Kusunori Kaori`s childhood friend that moved away after the two of them had a small argument. Now she has returned and ended up in the same class as Kaori. A story of a precious pair of earrings and maybe somethin`more than a friendship. Read and s...
Emilone's Temptation Labyrinth at Emilone was a well-known actress before she got transported to another world and became a saint.She got a plausible name of the Holy Lady Who Moved Dimensions', but she didn't receive any attention. This happened because all the Empire's attention was on Princess Ro...
One day, penguins are spotted in the suburban town that fourth-grader Aoyama calls home. The penguins make their sudden appearance in a residential district nowhere near the ocean and disappear just as mysteriously. Where could they have come from, and where did they go? Aoyama is determined to get ...