Taking place between Gundam ZZ and Char’s Counterattack, the Earth Federation has a tactical advantage over Neo-Zeon forces stationed on Earth. Despite this, a few Earth-based units have decided to make the withdrawal back to space while some would stay behind and conduct guerrilla warfare against...
The locomotive called the Rainbow Stone Train runs, not on electricity, but on the energy source called, "Rainbow Stone." Inside, the train is split; from the extremely high class Evening carriage, to the average Afternoon carriage, and finally, to the cheap, but cramped and noisy, Morning carriage....
Ayano and Yasuharu have switched bodies somehow, and they've decided to live together until they can figure out how to switch back. But, after seeing themselves through another person's perspective, they start rethinking how they need to live their lives. The other thing is, living together under th...
In her darkest moment, Lilly meets a mysterious boy called Rime. When a shocking crime shakes the town and has the police stumped, they decide to investigate for themselves. But they find more new questions than answers. Why is this town so haunted? Who could do such horrible things, and why? And…...
In postwar Japan, Tamao has lost the love of his life. Working as a male prostitute for a living, the money he earned went to the alcohol that he drank to make him forget the pain of loneliness. One day, Gorou, the younger brother and the spitting image of his past lover showed up. “I came to see ...
A combination illustration and manga artbook featuring the ultramarine works and fantastical world of Sakatsuki Sakana. --- The few short manga stories included are a side stories that served as a precursor to Sakatsuki's eventual ongoing publication (https://mangadex.org/title/77c7d3eb-16e9-4ef2-81...