From Hyper Parfait: Monster Cage, consisting of strange individuals with superior powers and skills, is a secret department that is part of the National Police Agency. But when Japan was unable to cope with this system of law and order, Monster Cage ceased to exist. Those abnormal individuals became...
Amidst the surging popularity of women’s professional baseball, Narin, a retired player who once poured her youth into the sport only to face failure in realizing her dream, emerges as a promising talent. However, her career in baseball ends prematurely. One day, a chance to begin anew unexpectedl...
In a future where science has unlocked the secrets of genetic splicing, humanity stands on the brink of a new era. By merging human DNA with plants and animals, people gain extraordinary abilities—strength, agility, and powers that defy imagination. But with great power comes a darker side. Nation...
The main protagonist is an Iga ninja named Saizou, who meets an Izumo priestess and protects her on her short journey to Sanada Yukimura. Sanada Yukimura is a powerful warlord in the Sengoku era. Sanada wants to gather 10 warriors, a party unrivaled in skill and power, to set his still secret plan i...
Summary from Hidoi~! Translators: Miu is an average high school girl who lives in a fantasy world dreaming about the day she'll find her destined one, just like in the manga stories she reads. What she doesnt know is that her prince might be closer than she thought. One day after getting punished to...
nohara Minato is an only child who was raised single-handedly by his father since young, after (believing) his mother passed away. When he skipped club activities one day, an exact replica of himself showed up, claiming to be his twin brother who was separated from him when their parents divorced. J...