A chilling and sensual possession romance brought on by an endless obsession with one woman. In 1940, during a time of chaos, a beautiful mansion called Yeongchunhwa is built on a secluded island, constructed purely out of a man's deep love for his wife. Over time, the story of the couple associated...
Ria is an office worker who has suddenly hit rock bottom. The reason? Her soon-to-be husband has stolen and run off with a large sum of her money! As she drowns her sorrows at a bridge, she notices a young man with a weary look beside her. Imagining the worst, she instinctively lunges and grabs onto...
From MangaHelpers: Takahashi Ena is a high-school idol with a secret hobby. She often wears headphones, and people assume she is listening to music. In actuality, there is no music playing; she is eavesdropping! She prefers to listen to two of her male classmates, Nara and Mikage, because they have ...
Legend of Mana is set in the fictional world of Fa'Diel. The Mana Tree, the giver of mana and life for the world, burned down nine centuries prior to the events of the game. A war erupted between faeries, human, and others seeking the scarce power of mana that was left. When the war concluded, the d...
Strange people live in a building called Getenrou. There are boys looking for porn, a space officer, robots, and also...a murderer on a killing spree!? Officer Sakuraba Saeko's curiosity is piqued by two siblings who appear to hold the key to solving the mystery, and she begins an investigation of h...