A lone man travels the country, projecting pornographic films for private individuals while attempting to maintain a normal home life. A medical student lives a secret life as a sperm donor, and finds his world turned upside down when his donations are rejected by the fertility clinic. A young coupl...
Tsubaki's the granddaughter of the head of the Kiryu Clan, the biggest yakuza organization in the Kanto area. She's also in love with Kujou, her grandpa's right-hand man. She saved his life 13 years ago, and ever since, he's been a faithful member of the clan. But, what Tsubaki wants isn't for him t...
Three years ago, a sickness known as Daemonblight befell the land. The sickness turns people into Daemons, and the world has fallen into an age of chaos. Even then, in a remote region of the Kingdom, the protagonist Velvet lived with her family in relative comfort. A night came when a red moon rose,...
A samurai manga about a boy named Zan. Zan's father was a legendary swordsman who used a sword which had no edge (think Sakabatou from Ruroken). Zan's father died one day, and ever since, Zan has wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps. The manga starts off with Zan being transfered to a new high ...
Momiji Kuramichi has all the passion in the world for the game of shogi. Unfortunately, he has none of the talent. This is especially frustrating because his brother was a legend in the game. How can he be such a flop? He's developed a unique way of dealing with his frustration—head-butting everyt...
The "Time Loss Phenomenon," causes all living beings on Earth to be temporarily turned into statues. During Time Loss, only certain humans -- "Recievers" -- can remain active, and they witness the terrible reality of what's happening: otherworldly monsters are attempting to breach the human dimensio...
Sequel to Osuteki Darling The love-love romantic comedy "Osuteki Darling" of Kaibara Serika and her 2-year-younger boyfriend, Aoki Taiki, makes a powered-up appearance. After dating for two years, Serika has become a college student and Taiki is studying for exams. Even though their circumstances ha...
From Evil Flowers: Mizuki is in love with her senpai, Yamato, because he is the one that saved her from hunger when she was dieting by giving her a small piece of chocolate. Still, getting close to him is so hard when Ryou, his best friend, is around. How will Mizuki be able to confess to her belove...
Collection of three stories: 1. Toki wo Yuku Uma Four-part tale of love and loss featuring a musical snowglobe horse that passes through many hands on its journey around the world. It evokes old memories and half-forgotten dreams in those who gaze into it, thus changing their lives forever. 2. Star ...
Spin-off: The Master Is OutA one-shot manga. It’s an action/comedy story about a woman named Tyria who is a maid in disguise, but in reality she is sort of a counter-terrorism operative. It's up to her to stop a hostile takeover by pirates on an airship using only cooking items, like a frying pan,...