Pressured by her demanding mother and hated by others for her intelligence, Han Narae led a miserable life, dying tragically at a young age. Reborn as Lysia Ambrose, the magical daughter of a count, all she wants to do this time is live a quiet life while attending the prestigious Asteria Academy. T...
After her sudden death at the hands of an assassin, the former granddaughter of a Yakuza boss reincarnates in a otome game as the heroine. The game is, of course, set in the time of early European mafia (but with magic and other special abilities somehow), specifically a kingdom where the royal fami...
Binta Yugawara is a "Bodz" or Bomber Kid, in the city of Atamu, who dreams of defeating his hero, Smash Kintaro. While in the city, he battles using a pog like game system, against several other Bodz, including Banji Chihara, BJ, and a man by the code name, "X." Hiroyuki Takei (of Shaman King fame),...
Sakura is the princess of Clow - and possessor of a mysterious, misunderstood power that promises to change the world. Syaoran is her childhood friend and leader of the archaeological dig that took his father’s life. They reside in an alternate reality where whatever you least expect can happen - ...
Moriyama is a well-off executive director of a high-class company, with a wife and two children. However, Moriyama isn't all he seems: He is in fact a Zainichi Korean who changed his name and identity after the war to shield himself from discrimination. One night, he is asked by an old friend to she...