There exist familiars who have the power to grant one wish to a chosen girl. However, in return that girl must then become a magical girl and fight against witches, evil creatures born from curses that are responsible for murders and suicides. A schoolgirl named Madoka Kaname and her friend Sayaka M...
The monk, Xuan Min, having lost all his memories yet retaining some skill in fengshui, geomancy and other arts, on the first day in Ningyang, unceremoniously raided a cursed mansion, and incidentally also dragged out the true dragon, Xue Xian, hiding within. Here begins the story of the half-paralys...
Kyoto has become a place where humans and monsters have chosen to coexist, and Chimi-Mouryo has become rampant. Saki, a succubus who attends a school in Kyoto that has turned into a magical land, uses her beauty and abilities to become the school's princess!! Even such a reckless girl had a natural ...
After confirming that I had won the lottery, I tried to quit my job. However, as soon as I opened the door, I found myself transmigrated into the body of a Duke’s daughter in a fantasy world. I have one year to claim the prize money, so I have to return home at all costs. My 1.7 billion won, mum w...
Although she had traveled to the Royal Capital to train as a lady of the court, before she realized it, the daughter of an impoverished Earl was seen as nothing more than another of the servants. It was during one of her usual morning cleaning rounds when by chance the Crown Prince Isaac, who was ru...