Oda Akira, a high school student who excels in erasing his presence, was summoned along with his classmates to another world. In this world of sword and magic, Akira and his classmates were asked to become heroes and bring down the demon king. Having a bad feeling about the king and the princess who...
“One such setting is the “Nine Schools Battles“, officially called The National Magic High School Good Will Magic Competition. Every year, the best Magic High School students gather together, unfolding a story of frustration and glory by putting their young pride on the line.“
Hime is a girl who has developed her cuteness as a deliberate act with the plan of marrying a billionaire. One day she is more or less forced to work as a replacement for a girl injured by bumping into her in the street. The place of work is a concept cafe where the waitresses put on a show as thoug...
Chen Hui has transmigrated into the body of a girl, who committed suicide by bashing her head against a pillar out of reluctance to get married to a eunuch. The eunuch is insidious and cunning, enigmatic in every way. He’s cannon fodder, just like the eunuchs depicted in the average TV drama serie...
When Ding Hanbai, the young master of the centuries-old jade-carving shop, first laid eyes on his timid shidi Ji Zhenzhu, he bullied him relentlessly, not expecting that Jiangnan could produce someone who would break down his defences and melt his heart this way. They go from being unable to stand e...
Despite being a beauty from a famous family, Roselia Kaneph is quite literally the poorest noble in the empire. Sick of munching on carrots during teatime and not being able to add salt to her meals, Roselia comes up with a plan to go from rags to riches: marry the emotionless Crown Prince Anoch! Bu...
The pain of not being loved, my stifled heart wants you. She was never going to see her son’s father again... Caitlin was summoned to a luxurious room. She had been offered a job as a photographer. However, the man who appeared in the room was Kadir, the Sheikh of a desert country who had abandone...
As a child, Shimazaki Shingo was kidnapped by an international terrorist organization and raised as their combat agent. After 30 years, he finally made it back to his peaceful hometown in Japan. Will Shimazaki be able to live a peaceful life in this new world? An action story of a man who lives betw...
From ADV: The borders between the earthly and spirit world are cracked - and the fault's right beneath Shinjuku! The town's crawling with demons, and one of them has placed a deadly curse on the President of Earth's ruling federation. Doom is on the horizon! Fortunately, Kyoya Izayoi is no ordinary ...
Jiang Siming suddenly discovered that the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds he played was different from others. He can find fragments of various colors in the game. After synthesis, he can turn into various kinds of treasures such as skills, attributes, talents, money, antiques, even medicines, exerc...