This intriguing manhwa, written by Koh Yanghui and illustrated by LICO, takes readers on a thrilling journey through drama, fantasy, historical settings, and romance. As you delve into the pages of this manhwa, get ready to be captivated by the story of Cheon Nyeon-bi, the strongest in murim, who fi...
A high school girl, Shizuku, who despairs of living after being bullied at school and sexually abused at home, attempts to commit suicide at a deserted shrine, where she is cursed with immortality by an eerie raven. Unable to even die, Shizuku decides to use her immortal body to inflict deathly retr...
Reading Manhwa I have an SSS-rank Trait, but I want a Normal Life at Manhwa Website Even though strange beings like monsters and constellations appeared, my personal philosophy did not change. But with the sudden awakening and blessing of an SSS-rank trait, my peaceful life went bye-bye. I have n...
is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends wan...
Reading Manhua The Descent Of The Patriarch at Manhua Website Wudang Mountain, the sacred place of Taoism, is divided into internal and external. It inherits the highest classics of the Great Daoshu. Xie Luo, a modern Taoist, was trained in the heavenly book when he was young. In one fell swoop, he...
A bitter and painful adult's life needs "friends". Set in a game company, Rihito Otsuka (23), who is "normal" in both work and socializing, and Noa Saotome (27), who goes all out with everything she does. Two characters whose lives aren't supposed to intersect become "friends" by chance...? A little...