is a Japanese manga series by Adachitoka that started serialization in Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine in the issue of January 2011. It is often accumulated in fifteen tankobon volumes by November 2015 As a minor god of calamity, Yato lacks even a shrine to his name. In efforts to eventually beco...
Gates appeared all over the world, and humanity was on the verge of extinction due to the monsters that came pouring out of them. Kai, who opened a Gate, had been in a coma for three months after being attacked by the monsters. When he woke, he found not only a mysterious status screen but also a un...
Reading Manhwa Standard Heroes at Manhwa Website Let the standard adventure story of extremely normal(?) people begin! MANHWATOP is a website dedicated to fans of anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, m...
"I don't think anyone will want to be friends with me..." is the thought that has always run through Nayul's head. One day, she's unexpectedly reunited with Seoyoon, a boy from her past, when he transfers to her class. Nayul and Seoyoon used to be best friends when they were younger, but after sever...
One night in 2006, when they were young, the two brothers Mutta (born 1993) and Hibito (born 1996) saw what appeared to be a UFO heading for the moon. They decided that night to both become astronauts and travel out into space. In 2025, Hibito has become an astronaut, and he’s going to go to the m...
Reading Manhwa Can I Bite You? at Manhwa Website. Being bitten by a vampire makes you healthy!? Lee Chae-I, who unintentionally became an unfavorable celebrity because of a headache. She found out by chance that the top star Seo Lee Jun is a vampire and if bitten by him, she will become healthy for...