Yotsuya Yuusuke along with his classmates Shindou Iu and Hakozaki Kusue have been transported to a strange and unknown world inhabited by mythological creatures. As soon as they arrive, they meet somebody calling himself the Game Master who then grants them a time-limited quest. To aid them in this ...
Reading Manhwa The Princess in the Dumpster at Manhwa Website. Reading The Princess in the Dumpster Novel Deep sunken cheeks, dirty skin which lost its original color, twig-like wrists, filthy fingernails and a much smaller body for her age. And with neglected hair hanging over half of her face, t...
Shinta Nanba es un estudiante de tercero de secundaria poco comun debido a una extraña enfermedad psicosomatica que le otorga un "inusual deseo por las mujeres", esto no seria un gran problema sin embargo tiene un segundo sintoma que le hace no poder tolerar acercarse a las mujeres. Para poder reme...
Reading Manhua My Underworld Boyfriend at Manhua Website. Subrina meets the rogue who kisses her. He is very handsome. No. Super handsome, but he is not some unknown small potato, but the biggest leader of the underworld – Jim Feng. He tells her to wait for him after school, but she is afraid of ...
Leaf has been enjoying a peaceful life in his village at the farthest end of the country, but everything gets turned upside down when his fiancée betrays him, robbing him of his home, work, and everything he cherishes. Wandering around, lost on what to do next, he encounters a distinguished lady in...
A child was abandoned in a forest infested with monsters and ghosts. Woon Sowol was adopted by the five masters and learned the best magical techniques. Although the five masters are godly beings, now their inner balance is on the verge of being broken down. Woon Sowol takes revenge on behalf of his...
Reading Manhwa The Marshals Want To Divorce at Manhwa Website The Marshal, Lu Li, started a new intergalactic era alongside his lover and military adviser, Xie Jianwei. The entire universe envied their steadfast love. It was only until one day, the Marshal had his personalities split. His personali...
Reading Manhua I Was Rocked to the World’s Richest Man in a Matchmaking Office at Manhua Website As soon as I graduated, the country assigned me an object, and it was also the super diamond king Ye Junqing on the Forbes rich list. As the leader of the top ten cancers of unmarriage that have sprea...