A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In this nightmare, it falls to him to descend a mysterious tower in search of absolution. Is the angel correct that he is responsible for the destruction of the world, and what can he do in this monster in...
In a desolate dystopia, Idols weave a story of love and bonding. In a world devastated by the sudden arrival of a meteorite, countries use Idols as a means of war, plundering resources and territories based on the quality of their performances. In this context, in one of the nations, the "Land of Sa...
The whole class was transferred to a different world. The teacher, Aizawa Seiji received a failure skill . He was treated as a burden until his skill was activated in the ancient ruins! The Android girl awakened and slaughtered the Minotaur!! They tried to escape via the teleportation device but end...
BEDDED, OR WEDDED? Lissa works hard without a moment's rest to save money for one purpose... At the casino where she works, wearing flashy clothes and heavy makeup to hide who she truly is, she is approached by the dazzlingly attractive Xavier. He seems to have a keen interest in Lissa, acting like ...