From Saigo no Shou: During the turbulent Bakumatsu, a group defends the capital city of Kyoto and the Tokugawa Bakufu: the Shinsengumi. The man known as a "demon" throughout the group: Vice Commander Hijikata Toshizo. The top swordsman in the group, one who looks up to Hijikata: Okita Souji. But dee...
From Storm in Heaven: In order to sustain a world on the verge of death, two groups, Blanches and Noires, vie for dreams. Every six months, the group with the fewer dreams has to send a number of members to the human world, where they will eventually die. Heki, a Blanche, fights to get ahead of the ...
[From Baka-Updates:] Minami does not get along with her fellow classmates. She is rich and full of pride, yet lonely with no friends. Her luck changes when the "rude and idiotic" Tomachi starts hanging around with her. One day, she sees a book and tells Tomachi, "Wonderland... wouldn't it be wonderf...
Hai hu, is a rich playboy during the day. At night, he is hero for the people, known as the Sea Tiger. He fights a world renown organization lead by Blue Dream. Blue Dream wanted to conquer the world and destroy everything on Earth so that it could be restored into an unpolluted state like it used t...
From Storm in Heaven: A collection of short stories. The title story is about Youzuke; one summer when he was growing up, he stayed at his uncle's house. His uncle had a pool, and at night Youzuke would see a mermaid swimming there, visiting his uncle. Years and years have passed, and Youzuke's uncl...
*Based on the 2004 Tokusatsu TV series Ultraman Nexus* TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit, established secretly to combat the Space Beasts, mysterious monsters that are out to attack humans in the year 2009. One of the TLT's new recruits, Kazuki Komon, is attacked by one of them prior t...
Remi doesn't know what love feels like. In the summer two years after she gets her first full-time job, she bumps into Hodaka Arishima, a guy she was friends with benefits with back in school. Even though he was a playboy, he was also popular. For some reason, they had great chemistry. More than any...