Yukimi, a chubby junior high student, discovers a magical dumbbell that can transform her into Miyuki, a beautiful and slender young woman in a revealing costume. But she must do battle with an evil three-star chef who tempts young girls with calorie-rich treats and dubious weight loss products, and...
Being the child born between Stan and Rutee, two of the 'four heroes' who had saved the world from crisis a few years ago, the young boy, Kyle, has inherited his father’s golden locks, indigo blue eyes and a straight forward characteristic. Day after day, Kyle spent his time longing to become a he...
A one volume anthology of four loosely connected stories, each with a color as its theme! Pay attention--these stories have some minor character overlaps~ You may see somebody again as a background character! (For the record, it is "NAKAMURA Makoto", and not "NAKAMURA Shin"--Kanji confusion.) Story ...
A prestigious private school, St. Ottawa Girls' School, has a 6-year curriculum; those who graduate from middle school automatically get into high school there and the few outsiders who take a test to enter St. Ottowa's high school are called appliers and are considered to have a lower status than t...
From Manga Mania~ On the day Sari transfers to her new school, she confesses her love for her cousin Kazuomi. After being subtly rejected, she find out that Kazuomi's best friend Mizuki is also interested in him. Because those two are like the sun and the moon, Sari's determination to be Kazuomi's g...
Sick Prince Depends on Me to Continue His Life manhua, Once in the book, Su Ye became the arrogant and domineering female partner with countless male concubines in the book. If you want to survive, you have to stay far away from the sickly and black-hearted prince in the book, but the sickly prince...
Mayonaka Punch centers on Masaki, a member of the NewTuber group "Harikiri Sisters", who gets fired because of a certain incident. Aiming for a comeback, Masaki meets Live. The two girls have different goals, but together, they make a high-tension comeback and aim to reach 1 million subscribers on N...